Saturday, August 7, 2010

"A smile can change the world"

Yeah, I got a comment. The comment mentions that most days are good but other days are just "there" like you go thru the motions and the day is over. I know exactly what you mean. People do that all the time. We are not present at all and have no clue whats going on around us a lot of the time. Just think of what we missed. We could of missed a smile that would of made our day, or even a few wise words that would have totally taken us on a better path. We also would missed inspiring others. What if that was the day you would have meet that one perfect guy, or someone that could of helped you with that one problem you wanted to solve; or even better what if you missed the opportunity to help someone and give them the answer they have been searching for. I remember reading a true story about Damian Brinkley. He was dead for 45 minutes and what he experienced not only changed his life but others as well. Before he died, to put in bluntly, he was an asshole. He treated people badly and was a very angry man. He said that when you die you go through, what I will call, a life review, but you see it and feel it through your eyes and through the eyes of every person you have encountered in your life. He says you will experience what they have felt. So if you inspired others with joy, or hurt them with your anger you will feel what they felt. Scary huh, I like this idea, imagine Hitler feeling all the pain that he caused to all those millions of people YES! I like it. But what interested me the most was when he said one day he held a door open for woman and smiled at her, not knowing that she was in deep depression and was contemplating suicide, and just that one gesture changed her mind. I love it! Every person on this planet are angels in disguise, and if we just become more present and caring for each other we can change the world. Well at least live happier lives.

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