Saturday, March 12, 2011

"One day at a time"

Well well, hello again! How is everybody doing? I was re-reading the comments on the last blog. It is interesting, that is my problem, trying to balance being in the moment and striving for my goals. How do you do that? I discussed this topic with my husband, he said I have the "artist" mentality, of always striving, pushing myself to the limit, and never being satisfied. He is in the same boat. He is very creative musically. But, happiness is a state of mind, I am happy with who I am, what I have in my life. But, there is something in me that pushes me forward, I want to experience, learn and grow continuously. To tell you the truth life would be so much easier if I just be where I am now. It is actually a wonderful life, but that is not me. Even now I am going through a deep depression, but I still would not want to be anyone else. And I know that once I get through what I am going through now, I will catapulted to a new level of experiences, perceptions. I love the constant change, adventure that life offers. I talked to one of my waitresses the other day, she is in her 20's and when I asked her how her life was, she said it is fine, it has been the same for the past two years. That is so weird to me, I am always experiencing a new adventure in my life. Now back to the question, how to balance that, I do not know. Now I just take it one day at a time. That is all I can do, but I still have a dream.