Thursday, August 26, 2010

"People are good at heart."

I believe that people are good at heart. We get so stuck in our heads, our judgments about others, the dramas of life that we forget that even though we are so different, we have one thing in common, we just want to be happy. We all judge, I catch myself all of the time. I have to stop myself, and then I try to find the good in that person. It is hard, especially in the work place. The truth is I don't have the answers, I have people that dislike me, and I have no idea why. The only thing I have learned is to be me. I have stopped trying to please everyone and I have stopped trying to kiss up to the people that dislike me. It is not easy, but it is too much work to try to please everybody. I keep telling myself, "don't get caught up in other peoples dramas", and the next thing I know I am swept in and in a bad mood. I am getting better. When you look past those peoples dramas, and see them for who they really are, it gets easier. I have learned never assume anything. I guarantee your assumption is wrong. Just remember we don't really know that person and what is going on with them in their lives. Just love them for who they are, no matter what. Now is this hard, you're damn right it is, but it works. So, don't take things personally, and give a little love.


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