Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Lets try something different."

This weekend lets try something different for a change. We all have our routines, and sometimes we get stuck. Come on, most of us have 2 days off, we have to clean the house, do the grocery shopping and probably have a list of other errands to do. But this weekend, lets step out of our normal life's and do something we would not normally do. It can be anything like a picnic in the park, a walk along the river, or just a special lunch with a loved one. You can call a friend you haven't talked too in awhile, or send a letter by mail (wouldn't that be a shocker). Lets up the ante and give something to a complete stranger. Whether it is a compliment, or buying a coffee at Starbucks for the next person in line, or giving a flower to the elderly woman down the street. Believe it or not random acts of kindness can change the world. If we all start today to give random acts of kindness everyday, imagine where the world would be. After all, I believe that most people are good at heart, we just get stuck in the dramas of life to realize it. Be happy and have a great weekend.


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