Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"What will I be today?"

Another day has gone by. It was better than I expected, but I wasn't as happy as usual. I feel like I am fighting a cold. So in other words I was not very inspirational yesterday. But, because it is another day, now I can start over and be what I want to be for today. Today I will be inspiration & patience! Is it that easy to choose what we want to be? Can we say today I will be........., and make that happen? I think so. I think we have the power to be whatever we want to be. We just have to stop getting in the way of ourselves. I was so in my head yesterday, I ruin a perfectly good day. I am giving my first speech tonight at "Toastmasters". The topic is ourselves and my title is "my journey to self discovery". I will talk about my journey up to now. It is funny I talk about searching outside myself and ultimately finding all the answers in me. But what does that really mean. We here it all the time. For me it just mean acceptance of one's self, and knowing that you are perfect the way you are. Perfections does not necessarily mean thin, beautiful and rich. It is finding the beauty in everything, once you can do that then you are truly free from discontent.

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