Monday, October 25, 2010

"Being ready for a teacher"

I love Wayne Dyer's book "Inspiration, The Ultimate Calling". The last couple of chapters were my favorite. He talks about four ways to connecting with spirit, or inspiration. 1. Connection to feelings: which in his words I'm aligned with spirit, when I ask myself the honest response to "Does this (or will this) make me feel good. (God) 2. Connection to Nature: Everything in nature is in-spirit it is not spoiled by ego, nor can ever be. He says for example when a wild bird touches us, or a fish brushes up against us while swimming we should pay attention, that is a direct communication from our source of being. Messages to help us connect to spirit. 3. Connections to Events: that is there is no such thing is coincidences, everything happens for a reason, pay attention. 4. Connections with people: this is when we think about a person we haven't thought of in years and then they call out of the blue. We should definitely take note. Why are these important because teachers come in many forms, weather it is a feeling, in nature, a strange event or even a person. Let us learn from spirit and live a life in-spirit. OK, now am I getting to weird for you or what. Hey you never know, lets look beyond our eyes, past the ego you may be surprised at what you find.

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