Sunday, July 17, 2016

PLEASE Take Responsibility!

I haven't posted anything in over three years. Facebook did that "here's a memory" thing that it does and I started reading over a few of my posts and thought they were awesome. I haven't read them all yet, but will soon enough. I just wanted to say that I have been seeing so much "evil" in the world lately, I mean it has always been there, but it seems so overwhelming to me, lately. I am angry, but I realize that there is no one to blame but ourselves. Why can't we take responsibility, not only for our actions, but our perceptions on how we view the world around us. Don't you see that we, every single person, has made this world what it is today. So, those of you that just thought "I did not do anything" or blaming others, don't you see that you are part of the problem? We all are! Our words, our actions, the way we view the world as separate races, when in reality there is only one race, the human race. The way Republicans blame the Democrats and visa versa, the Christians blame the Muslims, the Muslims blame the Jews and so on and so on. Every person, politicians, religious organizations, the people that segregate race from the human race to black, white, red, etc. don't you see what we are doing to ourselves? No one person is better than another, but by thinking that, we become the cause of hate and suffering in the world. By thinking that my religion is the "right" religion that is one of the greatest causes of war and murder. Why, because that is saying everyone else is wrong, so that is Ok to murder on the behalf of God. Please look at your self, at what you think, and say, how you feel about everything I have said. Remember "Blaming" is one of the greatest sign that you are not looking in the mirror at who you really are. PLEASE, for all the people in this world, Please take a look at yourselves. I am begging you!!


  1. All I can say is...I love you. I lover your heart, your spirit, your compassion. I love your ability to wear your heart on your sleeve and make no excuses. I miss you terribly and wish we lived closer.

  2. Well said, my wise cousin. Your words ring true to me. I love you much!

  3. Couldn't agree more - it's time we all look at ourselves reeeeally closely: "What thoughts do I entertain that play out in the world." Nice one Lauren. ;)
