Friday, February 18, 2011

Are you happy?

Hey everybody, it has been forever since I have written. I miss it! I have been busy at work and enjoying my residents. Life is good! I still have my dreams and striving to reach them. I still find it difficult to be present and in the moment. I feel like I need balance in my life, that is hard for me. Surrendering to now and striving for my dream, how in the hell do you do that? Every person I work with has no goals, no dreams they just do their "thing" whatever that may be. So many of them say that their life is their job, and that they have nothing else. I try not to judge them, in fact I have no right to judge them, but lets put it this way, I don't get it! I tell you one thing they are amazing people and I love them dearly, I just want to see them happy. Most people don't seem happy to me. What do you guys think out there in facebook land? Are you happy? Do you like your job? Your life? I find myself happy for weeks at a time and then Boom! I get wrapped up in beating myself up, for not loosing enough weight, or going to bed to early or not exercising that day and especially for not being present. When I finally get out of "my complaining mood", I should say, than I am happy again. It is strange really I am my best friend and at times my worst enemy. I just assume that it is that way for everybody? Who knows? Right now I have a three day weekend and I am going to enjoy myself, enjoy life, and be grateful for the moment. See you soon, have a great weekend.


  1. Right now I am very happy but I know what you mean some days I wish that I was working again then something happens and I know that I made the right deceison and retired and I have to tell myself all the time keeping busy helps. you do not have time to think of what if.

  2. Hi Lauren, Sometimes your ideas seem a contradiction. If you are living in the moment, how can you strive toward a future goal; if you are striving for a goal, how can you be in the present if your focus is on the goal? I don't know, but I think most people don't need grand goals. They just live their lives and take pleasure in anticipating little goals: like going to a movie with a friend on the coming weekend or a family dinner or watching their menagerie of cats, dogs, ducks, and parrot. I think that's how you live in the moment, but I'm sure no expert on the subject.
