Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"What is the truth?"

My friend, Pam and I are reading this book called From Onions to Pearls. This man was very rich with private planes and all of that and he started up with drugs and dealing them. He was caught and sent to prison for 7 years. He wrote about what happened to him spiritually and what he learned. I tell you, WHAT IS THE TRUTH? Some people think only through Jesus you can be saved and everybody else is going to hell, some believe in Buddha, Mohammad, and I believe that God has no religion! Now this guy, says that yes, we are all one, all spirit, but that all this is a dream and "spirit", which is us, is having all these experiences of limitations & freedoms. Meaning God is unlimited, joy, love and he/she/it/us, is experiencing what it is like to be limited, the human condition of pain/joy etc. So death doesn't matter because none of this is real, and we can't die. He also says God, gives us a glimpse of this through our dreams. Our dreams seems so real, and when we experience pain and wake up, we are OK, nothing has actually happened to us. Now, I am not saying I believe in this stuff, I haven't finished the book yet, but shit, WHAT IS THE TRUTH? Do you ever wonder?

1 comment:

  1. I still believe that there is a heaven. But I also believe in a couple other things I cant seem to put into words right now.
