Monday, November 15, 2010

"Need your help on this one"

It is hard to see people close to you go through hard times. My friend has lost her job, after working at the job core for nine years as a teacher, she just lost her house. It has just been put on the market by the bank. She can't find a apartment because her credit is bad because she can't pay the credit card companies because she lost her job. She finally took a chance after 25 years and gave her heart to a guy and lost him all this in the past 9 months. What is up with that???? I don't know what the universe is trying to tell her, but man, what can you say????? All that I came up was, you need to surrender now to the pain or you will have a heart attack. She is trying to "go with the flow" of things, but right now all I see is my friend in pain, with no rhyme and no reason. It just make you think, do we have a choice in anything in our lives? Who is really in control here, it sure isn't us! I think if we think about the "whys" all the time, our heads would explode! Maybe there is no rhyme or reason in anything we do? I mean do we have control in our lives? That is the question???? Scary, huh!!!!
Just something to think about. If anyone has any ideas on the subject please let me know.

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