I am much better, Thanks again for the comments. So, what I have to complain to you guys to get you to comment, or what. Just kidding. To tell you the truth it could be worse I could be losing my home or have lost my job like my friend. I just need to learn how to balance my life. I know I have a great life, in fact I love my job most of the time. I just get so exciting about the future and my book that I forget to be present and enjoy the little things in life. It is amazing when I am not present, I miss the smiles from strangers, or the big yellow awesome tree right in front of me, or even my puppy's face saying "hey mom, look how cute I am" so, the truth is we do miss a lot when we are not in the now. I need balance! Didn't I just say that! Sometimes I wish I could just be happy with what I have. I mean, why do I strive for more? What is wrong with me and why do I want more? I am so grateful for what I have. I have always been like this, why me and not the people I work with, for example. They seem fine, yes, they complain a lot, and they seem to not have goals, at least they don't tell me if they do. So, why do I want to continue to grow, to learn, to experience everything I can in life, while others don't feel the need to. Why, why why??? So, I am asking for your help, how do I live in the now and balance my future dreams of making a living being an author and writing my books. I mean I do have to think about how to market my book and so many things. OK, God, help me surrender and please give me balance in my life.
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