Saturday, September 4, 2010

" Yes, I call the wind, wind Goddess."

I know I talk a lot about being present, in the now and about the ego's mind. Why? Because that is what I am working on. The ego will always be there, but it will not rule my life. But it takes time and practice to be present and live in the now. I first felt a glimpse of peace from my wind Goddess. (Yes, I call the wind, wind Goddess) I love the wind, once I was doing what I normally do, but was struck by awe at the sound of the wind blowing trough the trees. I stopped and stood there, with no thoughts, I just felt a sense of peace. I loved that feeling and so nature became a place for peace for me. When I read Tolle, his book "The Power of Now", I realize that we can live a life in peace, even when chaos is all around. Cousin it (my ego) has been full force all week long. Last night it was going a new direction, and I was feeling this nervousness in the pit of my stomach. I was able to observe my thoughts, catch it, and said to myself "that is a lie!" and I watched as the feeling in my stomach dissipated. It was amazing. I observed a whole cycle of how it works, and was able to get out of it. Other wise I would have been in it for another week. So, now what I am going to do is every time that "voice" or "cousin it" in my head starts yapping filling my head with worries and doubts, I am going to say "it is a lie, that is not me" and replace with my truth. I love the idea of living a life of peace and not from my head. "oh what a wonderful life"

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