Monday, September 13, 2010

"I did it!"

I have to share something that happened yesterday. I actually road my bike on a bike trail for 8 miles, it took almost an hour with a small break before turning around. What was amazing was what I put myself through before we actually got on the trail. The voice in my head "cousin it" was talking up a storm, for some reason I got it in my head that this was a "scary thing" I was about to do. I was so nervous, that I literally was getting sick to my stomach. I mean, I know I am a little lame on a bike, but seriously I was freaking out. I thought to myself, there are walkers, joggers, other bikers "oh my!", walkers, joggers, bikers "oh my!" This is the perfect example how I let my head totally get in the way. When I got on the trail I had no problems, it was awesome! I did it! For those who know me, this was truly amazing. Just think of how we get in the way of ourselves. How often do we do this? It is crazy. But once we see it, then we can work on changing it. The only thing in our way to living a fulfilled life is ourselves. That is worth changing!


  1. Wow! That's awesome! You go girl!

  2. Great, Lauren. Keep it up. Next year you can cycle around Jeju Island with me.
