Monday, September 20, 2010

"Random acts of Kindness."

I was reading my book and it was talking about how the author, Wayne Dyer, would live in inspiration by giving random acts of kindness every day. He gave examples such as a smile, a hug, give a flower to someone, or talk to a homeless person. I realize that I live my life like that, I do this on a daily basis and did not even realize it. How awesome is that. I remember a long time ago when I decided that when ever I would think of something positive about someone that I would share it with that person, even if it is a stranger. My husband thinks I am little nutty, he is use to it. I go up to strangers all the time. One time while grocery shopping I went up to a lady maybe in her late 70's and said to her, I hope I am not being condescending but you look adorable in your hat and dress. She had the biggest smile on her face and told me I made her day. I even saw her later in one of the isles smiling and humming to herself. So, lets try something, everyday this week I want everyone to, not only give random acts of kindness to others including strangers, but enlist a minimum of two other people to do the same thing. It can be anything from telling someone they have a great smile to hoping they have a fabulous day. If you want to do a little extra and do something for a co-worker you barely know, go for it. Have fun, be creative and let me know what happens. Now, go and have a fabulous week.

1 comment:

  1. Work is always fabulous when your around you know the old saying "the best things in life are free" your the perfect example of that Lauren giving hugs, kisses,& just being you your awesome oh & not to forget your corny side i love ya
