Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Are you your best friend?"

How many of us obsess over things? I have been obsessing for over six weeks. As you already know, I have been trying to lose weight and been riding my bike like crazy. Still nothing, well I did pig out for three days after 5 weeks of not losing anything. But, I realize it is such a waste of time to obsess about it. I have not be present, and have missed so much. How often do we do this in life, if it is not one thing it is another. Not only do we obsess, we worry, get frustrated about things we cannot control. It is crazy! What amazes me is we do this to ourselves, no one does it to us. Why do we do this to ourselves? Do we want to suffer? Someone told me once that people would rather suffer because at least it is something they know vrs. the unknown. I don't get it. I want to live life to the fullest. I love the unknown, I think it is exciting and it is a heck a lot better than suffering. I remember writing before about how we need to be are best friends instead of our worst enemies. Are you your best friends? I am most of the time, but not lately. Lets spoil ourselves rotten and enjoy life, shall we.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"The "shoulds" in life"

How is everybody doing today? I hope you all are having a great week! If you are not, how can you change that? Can you look at a situation differently? Can you let it go? Sometimes it is hard when things don't go the way they should. Notice the word I used,"should". This is one word that will give us all a head ache. Pay attention when you use or think of this word. Why? Because the truth is the word "should" is what we use to put our beliefs or values onto someone else. He "should" be doing this that way, she "should" know better not to do that. They "should" be treating me better. No one should be doing anything but be themselves. We don't realize how totally different we are as human beings. I hate it when someone tells me "it is common sense", for who, for them? There are so many different ways to do things, different beliefs, values, cultures etc. I have to stop myself because I put "should" on other people as well. When I stop and ask someone why they do things the way they do, I actually learn something. So, check it out and see how many "shoulds" you find yourself saying or thinking. You "should" do this, NOT, only if you want too.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"An Angel named Ozzy"

I have a new angel in my life. His name is Ozzy, I got him at the dollar store. Well, it was actually in front of the dollar store for $10. He was an adorable 5 week old puppy, all white. He is half Lab and half Austrian Shepard. I now have 9 pets; 3 cats, 2 dogs, 3 ducks, and one African Grey parrot. Each give me such joy. But there is something different about this dog. I haven't felt this way about an animal since Gremlin died. Gremlin was my wise little soul, and Ozzy helps me get in touch with my child within. He is innocent, trusting, playful, loving, just like a child. Something that is foreign to me. I love him so much. I use to dislike kids and in the past I would not have had much patience for my little boy. But, now I am different, I love everything he is and accept him for who he is. I love it when you learn something about yourself. Ozzy did that for me he was my mirror. He showed me that I had changed, and grown a lot over the past two years. He has taught me patience and unconditional love. Each of my pets have given me something wonderful. Gringo (the parrot) brings laughter into my life, the ducks taught me acceptance, Chimay (my other dog) has given undivided loyalty, and my cats give me plenty of lovin'. Aren't pets wonderful! I am so grateful for my little friends they are such a blessing.


Monday, September 27, 2010

"A cat named Gremlin"

Before I was married I lived alone and I was going through some difficult times. I was struggling to survive, not just financially but from the depth of my soul. I felt alone, and I had ideas of suicide, I know I would never actually do it. But, boy I hated life. The one thing that kept me going was my cat, Gremlin. I believe that our pets are angels sent from God. Yes, I said it! And I actually believe it. He was an incredible little soul. When I looked into his eyes, I saw something I had never seen before, and never seen since. A deep connection, I believe we were actually looking at each others spirits. Some people think only humans have souls, not me, when I looked at this incredible animal he spoke to me. Not like words, but from a deep knowing or understanding. I loved him more than anything. I lived in an apartment, and one day I promised him I would live in a house and he would have a yard, and grass just for him. Well, after I meet my husband and the world around me got way better, I finally got that back yard I promised him. He had a ball just exploring his little world. One day while I was sitting on a lounge chair reading my book, he came up to me and laid on my belly, and we looked at each other, and right at that moment again I saw it, from that deep place within, he said "thank you", I know I may sound crazy but I saw the gratitude in his eyes. In 2005 my little friend was diagnosed with cancer, we did not know how long he had. But, I knew he stilled had life in him so we would spend our time outside in his yard, on the grass together. On day, while he was laying on the futon in the guest bedroom, I saw it in his eyes that he was ready. I thanked him for everything he had given me. I told my husband to say his goodbyes, and the next day, both my husband and I stood by his side while he silently left this earth. I think of the quote my friend told me by Dr. Seuss "Don't smile because it is over, smile because it happened." Gremlin was my angel, he was a wise little soul that gave me strength, love and hope. I have no idea why I am writing this to you today, but something was guiding me today for reasons unknown, maybe it was Gremlin.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Oh the wise and young"

What excites you? Do you remember when you were a kid and everything excited you? All you wanted to do was explore and you were so curious about the world around you. We, as adults lost that. We lost our anticipation, our curiosity and our excitement for our surroundings. Why? Because we grew up, we have to be responsible, and take care of our kids. NO! that is not why. Some how a long time ago, someone taught us THIS IS HOW IT IS! The truth is it is not. We have a choice to live life the way we want to live it. There is a whole world out there to be excited about, so many things to learn and explore. Yes, we have to pay the bills, and be responsible, but we can get in touch with that part of us we lost a long time ago. One of my childhood movies "The little prince" there was a song that said "Oh the hopes and dreams I lived among when that heart of mine was wise and young" that is so true, we were wise once. Now we are living our lives in a fog, just surviving from day to day. I don't have all the answers, but wouldn't it be exciting to explore and find out answers to questions we stopped asking. Some people have horrible memories of their childhood, but there is still a little girl or boy that is dying to come out and play, explore and feel excited about life again. So, what excites you? Be spontaneous, let go and have fun.

Friday, September 24, 2010

"We can learn a lot from each other."

I love people! Working with seniors citizens with all their different personalities is awesome! I have learned so much since I have been here. Being an Activity Director is a fun job, but sometimes not as easy as it may seem. Some of the things I have learned are tolerance, patience (well at least my residents say I am patient) empathy, and unconditional love. When you work with over 50 people and all their differences, and your job is to provide services for them, it changes everything. They are not your equal, you are there for the sole purpose of catering to them. At the beginning I found it difficult to work with some of them. They were ornery, brash, and sometimes downright rude. But, once I realized that I was the one that had the problem, I changed the way I looked at them. Now, I love them all for who they are, and what bothered me before no longer does. They make me smile. I give them love from my heart and they give me back so much more. Now, the employees where a little harder to do this with, but I have done it! I have learned to see the good in everyone I work with, and when something comes up, I know that I am the one that has an issue, and I have a choice to suffer, or change the way I think. It works! I mean just think if everyone was the same how boring that would be. I love people and sometimes it is difficult, but it makes life easier to find the good in them instead dealing with the opposite.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Our freedom is just a thought away"

Someone asked me a question, so this topic is fresh in my mind. It is about when other people in our lives, whether it is co-workers, friends, spouses etc. push our buttons and we feel frustrated, hurt, or unloved. (and all the other feelings that come up) It usually has nothing to do with that person. Did you know that? It has to do with our "perceptions" and "thoughts" usually based in the past. People are just living their lives like the rest of us. They don't go around trying to make us upset. They are just being who they are. So, we have to change our perceptions, and thoughts, totally accept them for who they are, or suffer. Which do you choose? For years I did this to my mom. My mom was just being herself, but everything she did and said I viewed it through my perceptions of the past. For years I was hurt and hurt her, but when I realized it was me who was doing this. I caused not only my suffering but hers as well. Do you know how incredible it feels, to just have a normal, peaceful conversation with my mom, without all the bullshit I created. It is FREEDOM! I know this may seem strange, but it is true. No one has power over you unless you give it to them. But remember one thing, it is the ego's mind that does this, this is not who we are. We have the power to live fulfilled lives, peaceful lives, and a life full of joy and laughter, right now! Everything in life, and I mean everything including how we live our lives is based on our perceptions and thoughts. Our freedom is just a thought away.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Dream or not to Dream"

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
Harriet Tubman

Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.

Pamela Vaull Starr

All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.
T.E. Lawrence


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Be everything you can be"

I was checking out other blogs. There are awesome inspiring blogs out there. One was talking about positive affirmations, some say that they work other people disagreed. I wrote a reply and said my opinion. I said that thinking positive is great but, I believe it is important to take it to a higher level by "being" what you seek. For example; if you want to be happy, it is important to "be" happy now. If you want love in your life, "be" love now. It is important to realize that when you "want" something all you'll end up geting is "wanting". You need to start, even if it is baby steps to live the life you desire. I want to inspire others through my books, and workshops, but I realized that I need to be inspiration, right now. There is a equation for getting what you desire. The one thing that most people seem to miss is the "giving" part of the equation. I know you have heard the saying many times you need to give in order to receive. I think people don't understand how important this really is. It is a very important factor in making what you desire come to you. Here is the universal equation (you will find this in many books) 1. Decide what you want. 2. Stop "wanting" it and Know that this is already yours. (live your life as if you already received it) 3. Give to others without obligation, from your heart. (if you want love, give love to others) 4. Change your attitude (if it needs changing) in other words my favorite quote "change the way you look at things and the things you look at change" 5. Everything is on God's timetable not yours. 6. Live a life of gratitude. Now, go and "be" everything you can be.


Monday, September 20, 2010

"Random acts of Kindness."

I was reading my book and it was talking about how the author, Wayne Dyer, would live in inspiration by giving random acts of kindness every day. He gave examples such as a smile, a hug, give a flower to someone, or talk to a homeless person. I realize that I live my life like that, I do this on a daily basis and did not even realize it. How awesome is that. I remember a long time ago when I decided that when ever I would think of something positive about someone that I would share it with that person, even if it is a stranger. My husband thinks I am little nutty, he is use to it. I go up to strangers all the time. One time while grocery shopping I went up to a lady maybe in her late 70's and said to her, I hope I am not being condescending but you look adorable in your hat and dress. She had the biggest smile on her face and told me I made her day. I even saw her later in one of the isles smiling and humming to herself. So, lets try something, everyday this week I want everyone to, not only give random acts of kindness to others including strangers, but enlist a minimum of two other people to do the same thing. It can be anything from telling someone they have a great smile to hoping they have a fabulous day. If you want to do a little extra and do something for a co-worker you barely know, go for it. Have fun, be creative and let me know what happens. Now, go and have a fabulous week.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

"So, the lesson learned is....."

This is the forth week I have been riding my bike to work. I have also ridden to, Curves, twice on the trail, and around the neighborhood and I have lost 0 pounds. I don't get it. My paints don't feel any different. It is difficult when you work hard at something and you don't seem to get anywhere. Whether it's at work, on relationships, dieting, or what ever it does not seem fair. I mean, what are we suppose to be learning? When I stop my pity party, and yes I invited everyone to join along with me, I can look past the disappointment of not losing any weight. There is actually a lot to see, for instance, I have noticed that just by riding my bike I seem to be an inspiration to others. When you see a fat girl on a bike you automatically think "good for her" I get a lot of smiles and hellos, people are actually very friendly and courteous. I notice the quiet around me, it is so peaceful to ride to work. Today is a cooler day and the fresh air felt so good. I also noticed that it is getting easier to ride up that darn hill, and every time I make it, I am proud of myself. My husband and I are getting new bikes (we have old used ones that don't work very well) and we are committed to make a change in our lives, to be more in nature, to get out of the house and play more, to get into shape and most importantly to spend quality time together. So, the lesson learned is: When life seems unfair, and you think your working your butt off for nothing, look again, open your eyes you may see something you never seen before.


Friday, September 17, 2010

"Be the silent observer."

Today was Hawaiian Day at my work. We had a great day. We had Hawaiian dancers and served poo poos (appetizers in Hawaiian) I was reading some historical facts about Hawaii. Did you know on one of the islands at a specific place the wind blows from east to west at 27 knots every day, 24 hours, 365 days a year. How crazy is that. That is amazing. This world is such an incredible place. There are amazing things that happen every day. The problem is most of us are too caught up in the daily drama to even notice. I can now be a silent observer and watch what happens at work while everyone around me gets caught up in the smallest things. And believe you mean, I am not perfect sometimes I catch myself getting caught up as well. But when I notice I can usually take myself out of the drama, and be at peace. I also can see one specific person who rarely comes to our site, but when she does, all peace disappears and I am in my in my head. My stomach gets nervous, and I get nauseous. Isn't it crazy how we let people effect our lives. One thing I have learned is the minute I think so and so "should" be doing that, or why is she doing this, I know that I need to step back and stop, because that is how usually things get started. I think life would be so much nicer if we take the time to just be with each other and accept them for who they are. I don't like everyone that I work with, but I try to see the best in them and when they push my buttons, I know that is my problem not theirs. I stop the negative thoughts. It is not easy but it is working for me. Try being the silent observer and see what happens.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Attachment, not a good word"

I figured out something. Yeah! I have been so attached to the outcome of my goals, that I have been not enjoying the now. Well, I have been back and forth. Enjoying life, having fun than Boom!, I have to do this and that, how do I do this or that. Back and forth! I realized that if you are attached to a specific outcome, you are actually limiting yourself. So, I have took the ME, out of attachment. I have been trying to figure out how to balance being in the now, and working toward my goals. I just did. For now on when I am writing, I am not going to be worried about how many followers I have, I am going to focus on being inspiration. I am starting my women's workshops again, and I am going to focus on giving to others instead of "me". See, I had it all backwards, I thought I have to "'get" where I am going before I can truly give to others. But I realized I need to starting "being" who I am, and giving right now, even if it is on a smaller scale. I think I am on to something, if more people take the "I" out of their lives, and give to others this world would be a better place.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Never to late to play."

Tomorrow I go back to work and the truth is I don't mind because I get to see my residents. They are so amazing. There are mostly women, a few men, and most of them are over 80 years old. They are so different, just like most people, but the one thing they have in common is a sense of calmness. I thought that they would be very old fashioned, and the same with their views, but they aren't. They are wise in a sense that they don't worry like we do. The only thing they worry about is where their teeth are, and what time is dinner. They see things differently then us younger folks. Maybe because they have been there, done that, and have figured out that worrying about things is pointless, and trying to control your surroundings is futile. They are very open to experience new things, and love to get in touch with their child within. We have a blast whether it is playing bean bag toss, or hitting a balloon back and forth, laughter is everywhere. They don't care what anybody else thinks, they say what they want. They don't appear to be afraid of death, and they know when their time has come, that means it is their time to go. They seem at peace with that. I have learned a lot from my residents. I have learned that their is no age limit for "playing", that you can learn at any age and that life at 80 is not so bad.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"and the winner is...?"

Today I had the day off, a 4-day weekend! Yeah! I was reading the book by Wayne Dyer, called Inspiration. My friend Pam surprised me and we sat talking for hours. We were trying to "figure" things out. Trying to "figure" out how to really be "present", get out of our heads, and to "figure" out how to balance being present and reaching our goals, all the stuff I have been writing about for the past month. I got so frustrated, I am totally in my head right now. Most people I know, don't have big dreams like I have. I wish I wanted "the simple life", life would be so much easier. Most people just want to raise their families, and enjoy the life they have. Don't you? I mean I can't be that different, can I? I mean don't we all just want to be happy? Why do I feel I have a purpose, a gift to inspire people? Why am I driven to be the best I can be. Sounds like an ad for the Army. Am I delusional? I have been battling this for so long. The endless battle.... my soul vs. my head...........and the winner is????????? Some people think I am searching for something because I dislike who I am, to filll a void. Is that me? I don't think so, the truth is I can be totally happy with the life I have, because I do have a great life right now! But something is driving me forward, something from deep within, I know my purpose, who I am. If I can only get out of my own way, than I can just be who I am meant to be. I am inspiration! That is who I am!

Monday, September 13, 2010

"I did it!"

I have to share something that happened yesterday. I actually road my bike on a bike trail for 8 miles, it took almost an hour with a small break before turning around. What was amazing was what I put myself through before we actually got on the trail. The voice in my head "cousin it" was talking up a storm, for some reason I got it in my head that this was a "scary thing" I was about to do. I was so nervous, that I literally was getting sick to my stomach. I mean, I know I am a little lame on a bike, but seriously I was freaking out. I thought to myself, there are walkers, joggers, other bikers "oh my!", walkers, joggers, bikers "oh my!" This is the perfect example how I let my head totally get in the way. When I got on the trail I had no problems, it was awesome! I did it! For those who know me, this was truly amazing. Just think of how we get in the way of ourselves. How often do we do this? It is crazy. But once we see it, then we can work on changing it. The only thing in our way to living a fulfilled life is ourselves. That is worth changing!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

"Change is good."

Well it has been three weeks since I started riding my bike to work. It still isn't any easier than the first time. I don't get it. I thought it would be much easier by now. What I have learned over the years is that change is difficult. I am trying to change my thoughts, my eating habits, and start enjoying exercise. Do you think I am asking for too much? Actually, nothing is impossible, but it does take time and patience. I think some people have the wrong idea about the word "change". I mean, I believe that some people think the only reason you need to "change" is because something is "wrong" or "bad", but that is not necessarily the case. I remember when I was in my teens and at a boarding school in Israel, I was so head strong that change for me meant I wasn't good enough and I had to prove to everyone that I was good enough. I remembered working in the refet (cow shed) and I wanted to prove to the "boys" because I was the only girl working there, that I was just as strong as them. I would take 15 hundred pound bushels of hay and drag them from place to place to feed the cows only to prove my point. The truth is what the heck was the point of that in the first place. Now for me change is a good thing, without change life would be boring and sometimes a little change can go a long way. You also can't forget the serenity prayer "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." So, anything in your life you want to change?

Friday, September 10, 2010

"Enjoy life right now!"

One of my best friends, Debbie had a comment on yesterday's blog. She said it reminded her of a quote, one that I have never heard before, it said "Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened." I love that. Thank you Debbie!

Sometimes I feel we have several life times in one life. When I look at my life when I was 16, 24, or even 30 it seems like a completely different person. Sometimes I think, WOW! I did that. Other times I think thank God, I don't do that anymore. Life is so amazing. I mean, look back at who you were, what you have learned, and who you are now. What do you see? I feel that I have kept the best part of me and learned from the pain and mistakes. Isn't that the journey of life? My mom told me about a 3 day bicycle ride she took with a friend of hers on an island off of Korea. She is 65 years old and she road in a typhoon, in pouring rain, and in wind that almost knocked her down, than the next day she road in 110 degree heat, and she loved it! I bet when she was 25 years old she would not have imagined the incredible life she leads. We don't have to be rich, thin, or famous, we just have to have the freedom to be who we are, or who we choose to be. What ever age you are right now, and whatever you are doing, you can enjoy life right now!

Have an incredible weekend, and have fun!


Thursday, September 9, 2010

"That voice will not win today!"

I had a bad night last night. I felt like I was dreaming all night long. Unfortunately I remembered most of them. It was like a revisit of my past. A reminder of everything I have lost. My lost of innocence, my beloved grandparents, the house at Newport Beach (my safe place) and the loss of dear friends. I have no idea what my conscious was try to tell me, or if a dream is just a dream, who knows. All I know is right at this moment I am not "in-spirit" or "present" at all. I feel like I am in a fog, desperately searching for the road that will lead me home. I feel disconnected. Now, right this second I have a choice, a choice to follow the path that was laid out for me this morning and have a bad day or to change my thoughts, change the way I feel and have a great day. The question is can I do this? My stomach is churning, the waves of anxiety is in the pit of my stomach. Is it too late? No, it is never too late to choose joy and peace. I hear the doubt, as the voice in my head screams, yeah right. That voice will not win today. So, day here I come! Everybody have a great day, I know I will.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"Just something to think about."

Have you ever noticed how people view themselves? I can only imagine that women are worse than men, but I could be wrong. It amazes me how women see themselves. When I am at curves the thinner women are just as insecure with their bodies than the bigger women. No one seems happy with their bodies. At least that is what I have noticed. How can we change that? Or can we? I think we have to start with changing how we look at things. Is it that simple just to change the way we think? We have been programed to think a certain way. So, I guess we have to reprogram ourselves. We need to start loving ourselves more. I was my own worst enemy for years, now I am my own best friend. But, yes there is a but, it takes practice and a couscous effort to stay out of my head and to be positive. I have noticed it takes more than just being positive, it takes being present, and loving yourself and each other. I have to stop myself every day not to judge myself and others. It is easier now, and it is amazing how life is better when you treat yourself and others better. It is possible to change. How many of us want to change? How many of us think we are to old to change? Or do we even think about it? How many of us just simply exist? Maybe that is OK. That is the question? Just something to think about.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"A simple challenge."

Well, I posted my introduction to my book to the right of my blog below home. I will post a chapter every week.

I have met so many amazing people on my journey to this point. I will be 44 on November 28th. 44 years on this planet, Wow! What I have learned is that everyone is so different and I realize because we are so different we cannot put our ideals onto others. I mean of course we are human and unfortunately humans judge. But, When I step out of my head and look past judgment I can see how incredible people really are. Here is an example; I don't have kids and never wanted kids, and in the past I would sometimes feel sorry for those women with kids. One day while at my spot, (Dos Coyotes, Mondays afternoon) it was a quiet and peaceful afternoon, when I heard children voices, my first thought was "no, not now" I immediately stopped the negative voice in my head and simply observed the family without judgment. There was a couple my age, with 3 adopted small children. To small Asian boys under two years old, from different Asian countries, and a boy around 5 who was in a wheel chair and appeared to be mentally challenged. I watched this family and saw something magical. I saw peace, unconditional love and joy. This couple has chosen to give their whole selves to these children and in that simple act of loving 3 displaced children they have made a difference in the world. I went and told the couple that I thought they were amazing and thanked them for the opportunity to watch their wonderful family. I just wanted to share this with you. Here is a simple challenge for this week, try to catch a judgmental thought when it occurs, stop and look past the thought at that particular person, look with love, and see what happens. You may be surprised, I know I was.


Monday, September 6, 2010

"Wow, now that is amazing!"

I am inspired every day by my surroundings, whether it is the wind blowing through the trees, the sound of the birds, or the sounds of unknown animals in the distance. I am inspired by people laughing, enjoying each others company and I am even inspired by the curiosity of a child. 10 years ago I would of not even notice my surroundings or even cared. I wanted nothing to do with children, I even said once that I hate children, well my little girl within, hated children. At one time I was angry and envious of other children because they had something I did not. They were making wonderful memories in their childhood, where my childhood memories were lost. But, now, I am free, free to honor children and their innocence, free to embrace my surroundings and this incredible world. Free to just be me, and know that I am just as incredible. I am inspired every day! Wow, to me that is amazing.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

" Yes, I call the wind, wind Goddess."

I know I talk a lot about being present, in the now and about the ego's mind. Why? Because that is what I am working on. The ego will always be there, but it will not rule my life. But it takes time and practice to be present and live in the now. I first felt a glimpse of peace from my wind Goddess. (Yes, I call the wind, wind Goddess) I love the wind, once I was doing what I normally do, but was struck by awe at the sound of the wind blowing trough the trees. I stopped and stood there, with no thoughts, I just felt a sense of peace. I loved that feeling and so nature became a place for peace for me. When I read Tolle, his book "The Power of Now", I realize that we can live a life in peace, even when chaos is all around. Cousin it (my ego) has been full force all week long. Last night it was going a new direction, and I was feeling this nervousness in the pit of my stomach. I was able to observe my thoughts, catch it, and said to myself "that is a lie!" and I watched as the feeling in my stomach dissipated. It was amazing. I observed a whole cycle of how it works, and was able to get out of it. Other wise I would have been in it for another week. So, now what I am going to do is every time that "voice" or "cousin it" in my head starts yapping filling my head with worries and doubts, I am going to say "it is a lie, that is not me" and replace with my truth. I love the idea of living a life of peace and not from my head. "oh what a wonderful life"

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"What is that word again, oh yeah, patience."

You know how people say " It is not about the Destination, it is about the Journey", for the most part I believe that. But I tell you sometimes it is hard, I have learned so much in my life, but I cannot seem to conquer "patience". I mean, my life's journey up to now, has been incredible. Even through the hard times, I learned and grew from them and "yes" they made me stronger. I am so grateful for what I have. I even love my job, and I love my residents. But I get so excited about my vision and my dream that I am like a kid. I have no patience, and want it now! The truth is, I hate that attitude, I just can't seem to change it. Talk about being in "the now", I have not been in the now this whole week. What I have noticed is that if I am present I have a great week, But this week has been difficult because I am too busy being in the future. The key is balance! Having a goal or a dream is wonderful, but you need to still be present, you still need to live in the now. The truth is when you are in the now, you see things more clearly. I wonder how many things I missed because I was in La La land. So, if you have a dream for the future, put it out to the universe, be present, pay attention to your surroundings, and take one day at a time. In other words BE PATIENT! Now if I can just follow my own advice.


"Inspirational Quotes"

I found some great quotes I want to share with you.

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet."
James Oppenheim

"Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling."
Margart B. Runbeck

"A smile is a light in the window of the soul indicating that the heart is at home."

Have a great day!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Bad moods are contagious!"

Have you ever noticed that at work when a few people are in a bad mood it is contagious? I have been trying to keep from "catching" that damn mood all day. Well, it did not work. Now I am in a bad mood. What gives? How does this happen? Have you ever noticed that at work, when things run smoothly it runs smoothly for everyone, when things are crazy it seems like everyone is whacked out. I am trying to learn to keep my good mood, so to speak, but find it difficult sometimes. One time I stopped what I was doing, and tried to center myself, and it literally felt like everything was in slow motion and it seemed everyone else was running around like tornadoes trying to keep up. So my question is what can we do not to get caught up in everyone else's moods? What has worked for me in the past is going outside to be with nature for a few minutes, or having a cup of coffee. But when I don't have time to do that, is when it gets hard. One time I started to sing and that helped but everyone thought I was crazy. I think I would rather people thought I was crazy than get caught up is in someone else's drama. What do you think?
