What makes us who we are? Does it have to do with our parents, our environment, culture, race, and gender? Do we have a choice in the matter? Or does our past determine who we are? There are so many theories out there. So what do you believe? What if I told you that you have a choice to be whatever you want to be, would you believe me? I use to believe what people told me. In school I heard a teacher tell another teacher that I was stupid. Another teacher said I could never be a writer. I was told so many things. I sometimes catch myself. Recently I heard myself say that I don't have patience, that is just who I am. I realize that I can be what ever I want to be. I am not talking just about I want to be a writer or whatever. I am talking about something deeper of how we view ourselves and the world around us. We have the power to change anything at any moment. listen to yourself, and what you tell yourself. It is pretty amazing. Another one I always said was yeah, I complain a lot, that just how I am, oh well you have to deal with it. Or I can't cook, I can't exercise, my latest is I will never like to exercise. Well, we can change that, so, what do you think? Everything is about perception, change the way you look at things and things will change. (that was yesterdays quote, it is defiantly a good one)
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