Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Off to see the wizard!"

I have been re-reading my book "A touch on the shoulder" In actuality this is the first time I have read the whole thing. I mean, of course I wrote it and my mother edited it, but I think I was afraid to read it in its entirety. Maybe, I was afraid it was not good enough. I sent some chapters out to publishing companies only to be rejected. So, today I finished reading my book. I am shocked, it is more inspiring than I remember. I can actually feel and hear the voice of the dialog when I am just me writing a chapter on one of my adventures, or when I am connected to my higher self, or my God self. I can really hear the child within, and all her anger. When I started this project, I wanted it to be as real as possible, so I said "I will let my writing flow and what ever comes, comes." Now it has been edited in the for grammar, spelling etc. but the essence has not been touched. I had a hard time decided to keep some of the dialogue, because I actually used the "F" word. That was my angry child. But I decided to keep it as it is. I am scared to death, but I decided to self-publish my book. Why, am I so scared? Well, basically, this it is so raw and so vulnerable that I have no idea how people will view it. This is about my life up to now. It has been one hell of a ride. It has stuff that is hard to read, but I really believe that my purpose on this planet is to inspire others, and I will start with my life story. So, I am off to see the Wizard. I may not know what lies ahead but I know that I am not alone.

1 comment:

  1. Wait... so if you self publish it... does that mean a regular company won't ever be able to publish it? How does that work? And if you self publish it... when can I purchase a copy?

    I'm happy that you are happy with how your book turned out. A lot of people get so critical of their work that they are never happy. Yay for you!
