Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"The life I am creating."

I had a crazy and emotional day. I am not a patient person. I have noticed that because of my lack of patience, it has affected my life lately. I learned something today. I have been so wound up trying to get my book published that I lost sight of the point of my book or even this blog in the first place. The whole point was to inspire others. I have a voice, a gift, to bring a ray of sunshine into peoples lives. To inspire others to step into their light, their brilliance and shine. I have lost touch with who I am. I was tired of being an employee and forced to take crap from others that I got lost in the "I wants"of the world. No more! I need to take my time and just be me to the best of my ability. Don't get me wrong, I am still going to publish my book. But I need to slow things down, and just be INSPIRATION, for awhile. I am putting my full attention to this blog, and into my words, in hope of brighten up your day. I will also start putting chapters of my book on Mondays, as an attachment. Life is a journey, you can choose the direction in which to travel. I hope you can learn from my experience and slow down to enjoy the view. It is a pretty amazing view. I have stepped off the speeding train to one final destination and onto a slower one that will lead me to a greater understanding of why my soul has chosen this direction. Some people say to me that I am searching for something, and need to be in the "now." I always got offended by that. I would think to myself, I know exactly who I am, and I am grateful for my life. All this is true, but there is a difference between discovering who you are and becoming who you want to be. I searched the world trying to fit in, discovered my strengths and weaknesses, now I am shaping my life and following that ray of sunshine that I know I am back to the source, the sun. I am growing and learning how to be that sun, and creating a life that I can be fully expressed, a life of joy, of peace and give that back to you. It is a life time journey, so I guess I will be "searching", "growing" and "sharing my soul" until the day I die. That is what I am creating. You will have the opportunity to see it unfold before your very eyes.

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