I have always been an adventurer. Traveling is my passion and I travel as much as I can. I backed packed for two months in Europe by myself, a month in Alaska again by myself and now I have a traveling companion, Ernie, my hubby. When I look back on my travels sometimes I can't believe that I did that. Since I have Ernie I can't imagine traveling alone. Well, I could go away by myself for the weekend with a good book and just walk along the beach to watch my ocean. I remembered when I was younger, I use to tell my two younger cousins that it was my ocean. So, when they would come down to Newport Beach where my grandparents lived they would say the were going to "Kristian's Ocean" back then I was Kristian. Lauren is my middle name. To this day I call it my ocean. I bet if people really paid attention to what I am saying they probably would think I was a little loony. I think it is important for people to do something they love as often as they can. Stay true to yourself, not matter what. I learned that you can't change people or the what they think about you. So just be yourself. Now how did I get from traveling to be yourself. Go figure that one out.
Hm... I'm thinking that you need to take me to visit "your" ocean again. Totally some of the best times of my life!