How is everybody doing today? I hope everyone had a great day. I have been singing "it's a wonderful world" all day. I am even teaching the song to my residents. Today I am tired and have no idea what to say, so it will be interesting to see the words that transpire on today's blog. I ask myself what am I feeling today? Here is the thing, once I get into my head I will do nothing but complain. How inspiring is that to see a blog of someone that complains all day. Honestly, I have been a complainer for most of my life, well actually, I still complain a lot. The statement that I say a lot is "it is not fair!" Now we all know that life is sometimes not fair, but boy, I sure do say it often. At least I am noticing it more. But here is the thing, it will always be there. I just can't let it control me. I can go on and on about things that are not fair. I heard someone say "did you hear about the guy who found a roll a film, it had pictures on it from a famous photographer and was estimated to be worth 52 million dollars, and of course I hear the voice in my head "it is not fair!" I have to remind my self all the things I am grateful for. I am grateful for my husband, my 9 pets (yes, I said 9 pets, 3 cats, 2 dogs, 3 ducks and an African grey parrot) I am also grateful for my job, my house, my pool, my friends, traveling, the wind goddess , the ocean and the list goes on and on. I have no idea why I keep talking about the ego's mind, but it keeps coming up, so I think it is important. like I say when I write I just let it rip, and what comes, comes. So lets see what come tomorrow, shall we.
What are you grateful for?
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