I have been trying to figure out what to write about because I did not want to bore you with me working on being present and in the now. But that is my life at the present moment so I decided to stay true to me and my experiences. I have been going to power of now meetings. It is a group of people who are working on being present and in the moment. It is a wonderful group we talk about our experiences, and we have a leader that motivates us with ideas to keep us in the moment. I know I have talked about this before many times, but I really haven't gone in detail. You know when you are driving from point A to point B, and the next thing you know you are have arrived and you have know idea how you got there. It is as if you were not awake at all. We live life like that from day to day. Being present allows us to connect to who we really are, our true selves. Our ego thinks it is in charge and pretty much will rule our lives if we let it. Our ego's mind complains about everything, judges, lies, and is constantly putting us down and others. That is not who we are. One of our new members of the power of now group explained it well. She said we are a drop of water in the ocean. We are separate and yet one. But the ego is the one that thinks we are separate, the truth is we are not. So, I struggle from day to day to catch my self being in my head, and am working toward living in a life of peace. It is working but it takes time and patience. You know how I don't like that patience thing, so I guess I learning that too.
Hey Lauren, It was such a good meeting. I think most of walked away feeling good about the present moment. Thanks for being there. You bring a very positive energy to the group. Maureen